Therapy is expensive and it takes up a valuable hour in a week. The desire for therapy always needs to be greater than its cost in order for it to feel worth it for the person footing the bill. This tension can be harnessed and used in therapy itself. In most cases, the person footingRead more
The Less Traveled Path: Taking a Break from College
In my NYC therapy practice, I work with many teens and families of teens who have decided to take a break from college. This can be a difficult decision and it is hard to know when it is time to muscle through the semester and when might be the time to press the pause button.Read more
Setting Teens Up To Thrive During Their College Experience
In my NYC therapy practice, I come across a lot of teens, young adults, and their families who feel really stuck around college. From choosing a college to how to manage coursework once they get there, this time in a teenager’s life is full of questions and potential lessons. But this is also a time, albeitRead more