ADHD Therapy: Starting with the terms
Let us start with the technical part, including a few things you may not know about Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (henceforth ADHD) that are critical in understanding what's involved in ADHD therapy. For starters, the more familiar ADD, which stood for Attention Deficit Disorder, was replaced in recent editions of the DSM-IV by Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The change reflects a shift in thinking about the disorder, and about ADHD therapy, namely that hyperactivity and inattention are two separate issues that don't necessarily have to present together. With the change, the DSM-IV divided the disorder into 3 subtypes: primarily inattentive type, primarily hyperactive type, and a combined type. Understanding these types is critical in articulating what happens in ADHD therapy.