Couples therapy is an emotional, as well as financial, investment
Investing time, money, and emotional resources into a process of exploring and tending to what’s not going well in a relationship is an important—and often urgent—decision. Because of this investment that couples therapy requires, it’s wise to interview several therapists to make sure you’re making an informed choice about who you want to work with. Speaking to therapists about all of your concerns, even financial ones, is essential.
Even though putting in the effort to find a reliable couples therapist is key, couples therapy also takes a tolerance for uncertainty as you navigate the process of learning and growing in the context of your relationship. When done well, couples therapy is disruptive, but having a better understanding of what is going on allows you to make smarter choices about how you want to engage and whether a relationship or partner is sufficiently meeting your needs. By devoting financial, emotional, and time resources to this work, you are making an invaluable investment into your own health and well-being.