The Loss of a Child Is Always Brutal

Both the loss of a child and a stillbirth are devastating experiences that are unique from one another; because of this, we’ve chosen to address them separately. 

All of us want our children to outlive us. The loss of a child is always brutal. No matter how long your child was living, we provide space in therapy for both individuals and couples to work through this loss so you’re not alone in your grief

The Loss of a Child is a Crisis: We Provide Concrete Care and Direction

The loss of a child is both a tragedy and a crisis. We are also aware of the high risk of losing a child in delivery of multiples, which means parents may be faced with a tragedy while also caring for a new baby. In therapy, we’ll offer concrete direction and care during this incredibly difficult time, including help with:

  • Navigating leave and returning to work
  • Organizing logistical care for you and your partner 
  • Organizing family to be helpful after a loss
  • Planning for care for other children in the family
  • Working with a couple on how to provide direction and care to each other 
Matt Lundquist headshot

Meet our founder and clinical director, Matt Lundquist, LCSW, MSEd

A Columbia University-trained psychotherapist with more than two decades of clinical experience, I've built a practice where my team and I help individuals, couples, and families get help to work through difficult experiences and create their lives.

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