Couples Seek Couples Therapy For Help Breaking Up Thoughtfully
In our NYC couples therapy practice, couples come to us for help breaking up. Sometimes, the breakup is known by both partners when they come in and other times, it’s a surprise. No matter how the breakup happens, however, we work to help couples break up thoughtfully or, to take a phrase from Gwyneth Paltrow, consciously uncouple.
Not only do we help people in couples therapy decide if they want to stay together, we also help couples make decisions around the breakup, whether about money and custody or managing feelings and wanting to remain friends. It’s important to note that there is a distinction between couples therapy and mediation. While mediation is about coming to a set of agreements, in couples therapy, we address emotional issues, as well as work so that certain emotional issues that get in the way can be set aside. However like mediation, no agreement made in couples therapy is binding unless the couple wants it to be.