Substance Abuse
How Parents Can Help Young Adults Navigate Their First Year of College: Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist on All of It with Alison Stewart
The first year of college is a massive life transition for both young adults and their parents, which can be thrilling and anxiety-provoking in equal measure. Our Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist recently appeared on WNYC’s All of It with Alison Stewart to address how parents can support their young adult children during freshman year and deal with their own sense of loss.Joined by…
Sep 07, 2022Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist Featured in The Cut and Daily Beast on the Pandemic's Impact on Divorce and Sobriety
The isolation of the pandemic caused many people to reflect on their choices and relationships and as the world opens up, many are now making changes in how they organize their lives. Our Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist was recently quoted in The Cut and Daily Beast about how COVID-19 led people to reconsider their marriages and drinking habits. The Cut’s “Divorce is Down, But Will…
Aug 05, 2021Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist Featured in The New York Times on the Rise in Smoking During COVID-19
We’re excited to share that our Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist was recently quoted in The New York Times. In the article “Smokers Might Be Lighting Up More,” Matt explains how people tend to revert to familiar habits like smoking during periods of stress and anxiety such as the pandemic. Beginning with interviews with several people who have started smoking more during quarantine,…
Feb 18, 2021Off-Limit Feelings For Men And Women Are Often Different: Therapy Should Be Too
Feelings And Actions That Are Forbidden For Men And Women Are Different. In a recent New York Times Op-Ed, author Holly Whitaker explores her experience with substance use recovery that was notably not done using an AA program. She writes that the current tenets and values of AA were derived from a patriarchal antidote to (white, heterosexual) male privilege with its founders believing that, as…
Feb 20, 2020You Don't Hit Rock Bottom: You Declare It
Hitting Rock Bottom Is Too Passive. Rock bottom is often used in the context of alcoholism or drug abuse. However, it can be true with regard to staying in a bad relationship or abusive work environment, avoiding getting more childcare or tolerating painful emotions without help.The most common phrase concerning rock bottom is “hitting rock bottom.” This language, though, can be unhelpful because…
Feb 13, 2020Matt Lundquist and Kelly Scott Quoted In Two Relationship Advice Columns In Business Insider
This past month, both our Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist and Senior Therapist Kelly Scott were quoted in two Business Insider advice columns on relationships and dating. The articles are a part of Insider’s resident sex and relationships reporter Julia Naftulin’s ongoing column that answers readers’ questions by consulting with a panel of experts including relationship therapists…
Jan 23, 2020Sharing Our New Teen Therapy-Related Reading
Teen Therapy Can Address A Whole Host Of Topics: Read More On Our Teen Therapy Pages. Working with teens in our Downtown therapy practice, we often see how teens’ experiences and feelings can be brushed off as merely a part of moody and angst-ridden adolescence by parents and other adults. As not only therapists treating teens, but also adults in these teens’ lives, we know that there is a danger…
May 31, 201813 Ways "13 Reasons Why" Expands The Conversation On Teens And Mental Health
"13 Reasons Why" Can Be A Jumping-Off Point To Discuss Real Issues Facing Teens. [caption id="attachment_4838" align="alignleft" width="300"] (Courtesy Netflix)[/caption]As an NYC therapist who works with teens, I couldn’t ignore the polarized response to the depiction of teens, mental health and suicide in Netflix’s show 13 Reasons Why. The show centers around high school junior Hannah Baker who…
Aug 14, 201713 Ways "13 Reasons Why" Expands The Conversation On Teens And Mental Health: 7. Drinking And Drugs
[caption id="attachment_4838" align="alignleft" width="300"] (Courtesy Netflix)[/caption]For the first 13 days in August (with a full round-up on August 14), I'll be highlighting the 13 ways I, as an NYC therapist who works with teens, think the Netflix drama series 13 Reasons Why expands the conversation on teens and mental health:7. Drinking And Drugs. Almost every episode features alcohol or…
Aug 07, 2017"In Recovery": Not Just For Addiction
“In recovery” is a phrase used often in reference to substance abuse. It infers that the demons of addiction will always be present, whether the person in recovery has three months of sobriety or three years. However, people can be “in recovery” from all sorts of patterns and issues that plague them even when substances are not involved.A Diagnosis Doesn’t Have to be Dooming. Many people enter my…
Mar 16, 2017They don't call 'em pain killers for nothin': Staten Island, NYC's heroin problem
Overdose prevention, drug abuse treatment in NYC and the work that remains. One of the great hazards of drug use and abuse is the danger of overdose. The New Yorker looks at the problem of heroin use on Staten Island, NYC and the state of drug abuse treatment in NYC.The New Yorker writes about drug addiction and the heroin epidemic that has saturated Staten Island, NYC's least populous borough.…
Aug 31, 2015More on drug and alcohol counseling and criticism of AA
The Atlantic takes a turn at criticizing the approach drug and alcohol counseling of Alcoholics Anonymous. Last week I wrote about a piece on drug and alcohol counseling and the ineffectiveness of AA (the article cited a 5-10% effectiveness rate for AA drug and alcohol counseling). This week the Atlantic weighs in with its own critique of the drug and alcohol counseling…
Mar 18, 2015Browse all Tribeca Therapy topics
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