Getting Off Antidepressants And Anti-anxiety Medications
Therapy Helps With The Emotional Side Of Getting Off Antidepressants or Anti-anxiety Medications. In our NYC therapy practice, patients sometimes come to us who are considering getting off antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications, or have decided to stop taking medication. We’re not psychiatrists, medical doctors or otherwise psychopharmacologists. If you want to take antidepressants or…
Nov 01, 20188 Emotional Survival Tips For A College Freshman From An NYC Therapist
Freshman Year: It’s One Of The Biggest Emotional Transitions You Can Make. When working with college students in my NYC therapy practice, freshman year is one of the biggest transitions one can make. While a ton of time is spent gearing up for college in late high school, we often forget just how hard the move to freshman year hits emotionally. There is frequently pressure to be happy and enjoy…
Sep 13, 2018Sharing Our New Teen Therapy-Related Reading
Teen Therapy Can Address A Whole Host Of Topics: Read More On Our Teen Therapy Pages. Working with teens in our Downtown therapy practice, we often see how teens’ experiences and feelings can be brushed off as merely a part of moody and angst-ridden adolescence by parents and other adults. As not only therapists treating teens, but also adults in these teens’ lives, we know that there is a danger…
May 31, 2018How Parents Can Help Lessen Children's Anxiety
Whatever The Cause Of A Kid’s Anxiety, Parents Can Help. In my Downtown Manhattan therapy practice, a lot of parents ask me where their kids' anxiety comes from. Is anxiety something inherent within them or is something from their environment negatively affecting them? The question of nature vs. nurture has been debated practically since the dawn of time, or at least as long as the field of…
Mar 15, 2018Tribeca Therapy Quoted In Refinery 29 On How To Tell If You Have Social Anxiety Disorder
Last week, our Downtown NYC therapy practice was excited to be featured again in Refinery29–this time on how to tell if you have social anxiety disorder. With the practice receiving a lot of calls curious about social anxiety disorder, the article quotes our director Matt on the symptoms, the difference (and similarities) between social anxiety disorder and social awkwardness and the plenty of…
Mar 05, 2018Action: The Antidote For Anxiety
Anxiety Can Make You Feel Stuck (And Feeling Stuck Can Make You More Anxious). In my therapy practice, I’ve seen anxiety take endless forms–worry, fear, panic, stress, tension, frustration, irritability, angst, dread and more. As I’ve said before, it’s remarkable how much meaning we pack into this one little word. It also makes anxiety a domain that is rife with metaphor. Sometimes I think about…
Feb 22, 2018When Your Partner Needs Therapy
Your Partner Badly Needs Therapy–What Now?. I’m not one of those therapists who thinks everyone should go to therapy. Some people value the benefits of lower anxiety or better work performance. They use therapy to recover from trauma and be okay in the world. For others, it’s not their cup of tea. They may feel they need panic attacks or severe depression and want to hold onto their trauma.But,…
Feb 08, 2018Tribeca Therapy Quoted In Two Articles On Refinery29
[caption id="attachment_5152" align="alignleft" width="250"] (Photo by Bianca Valle)[/caption]Our NYC therapy practice has recently been lucky enough to be quoted several times on Refinery29. We’re proud to share another two articles that feature comments from our director Matt that cover two very different topics. The first “11 People On The Negative Stereotypes That Make Them Anxious” explores…
Feb 07, 2018How An Equal Distribution Of Labor Can Fight A Couple's Anxiety
[caption id="attachment_4986" align="alignleft" width="300"] (Image courtesy Emma)[/caption]French comic artist Emma illustrates what feminists refer to as the “mental load” in her cartoon “You Should’ve Asked." It shows a heterosexual couple in which the woman is responsible for organizing and delegating household and childcare tasks. She is shown in several scenarios working, planning, and…
Oct 26, 2017Subway Therapy Helps New Yorkers Cope After Charlottesville
[caption id="attachment_4973" align="alignleft" width="257"] Matthew "Levee" Chavez, Subway Therapy. Courtesy of Matthew "Levee" Chavez, via Instagram.[/caption]In my NYC therapy office, so many of my patients continue to express dismay, horror, and fear over the racism and bigotry that has boiled over in our country. Most recently, the violent white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia…
Oct 05, 2017Parenting A Teen With Panic Attacks
Getting Close Is The Key To Parenting Teens With Panic Attacks. Working with both teens and parents of teens as an NYC therapist, I often see parents feel lost when their teen suffers from panic attacks. Not only are parents unsure of how to deal with panic attacks, but they can also struggle with understanding what causes them–a build-up of overwhelming anxiety. Panic attacks are a physical…
Sep 07, 201713 Ways "13 Reasons Why" Expands The Conversation On Teens And Mental Health
"13 Reasons Why" Can Be A Jumping-Off Point To Discuss Real Issues Facing Teens. [caption id="attachment_4838" align="alignleft" width="300"] (Courtesy Netflix)[/caption]As an NYC therapist who works with teens, I couldn’t ignore the polarized response to the depiction of teens, mental health and suicide in Netflix’s show 13 Reasons Why. The show centers around high school junior Hannah Baker who…
Aug 14, 2017Browse all Tribeca Therapy topics
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