
tall plant

"We Got This": A Conversation On Pain And Intimacy In An NYC Therapy Practice

 I met Rachael six years ago, in the early stages of working to expand Tribeca Therapy into a group practice. She has a quality that is difficult to describe, but known well to everyone on our staff and certainly to her patients. I asked her some questions about this in an attempt to better understand her ability to connect with patients who are in pain.Matt: You have a remarkable ability to…

Two people and bench

Growing From The Relationship: An Art Therapist Talks About Social Anxiety

In my NYC art therapy practice, I work with a lot of folks who are looking for therapy for social anxiety. Many who seek this sort of help find that in social interactions they are so uncomfortable and in their head that it renders them completely stumped and stuck around others. Initially in therapy, it is so often a relief just to have the space to be able to voice some of these insecurities…

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