Thoughts on Hope in NYC Therapy
Creating Hope: It’s life or death. Therapy for depression. Here’s how it can go when we need help with depression: You haven’t landed that full-time job yet, you're living back with your parents after graduation, you're feeling isolated from those you went to school with and are scared to talk to them. They have their lives SO together. This has been going on for over 6 months. You broke up with…
Jul 09, 2015Therapy for depression or something else?
Therapy for depression? More complicated than you may think. This article "It's Not Always Depression" from the New York Times has me thinking about what any good therapist knows about therapy for depression: depression is but one mode of understanding an emotional experience that needs to be looked at through many modes of understanding. Ms. Mendel suggests from experience in her work providing…
Apr 07, 2015Depression doesn't cause plane wrecks: Reality testing from a therapist
It doesn't take a depression therapist to see:. Depression doesn't cause plane wrecks. You don't need to be a depression therapist to know that. More precisely, depression doesn't cause people to fly airplanes into the side of mountains. Even if you haven't particularly stopped to think about this, I challenge you to slow down for a moment and not admit that as a reasonable person who's taken a…
Apr 01, 2015No, we don't offer support groups at TriBeCa Therapy
As a therapy center in the heart of New York City that offers several options for group therapy, we get a lot of calls from prospective therapy patients asking if we offer support groups.Nope. No way. Why? Because we don't believe in the premise.There are a lot of modalities of therapy and counseling we're into, and we love group therapy. But the assumption of a support group is that the thing…
Nov 12, 2012Browse all Tribeca Therapy topics
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