Tribeca Therapy On Financial Stress During Tax Season In Yahoo Finance
Tax Season Can Really Turn Up The Stress. Both in our NYC financial therapy practice and out, tax season can really turn up the stress. People are overextended and tax time is one of those moments when we face that reality. It’s sort of an annual accounting of how poor our financial shape is in. In addition, taxes are mysterious and inherently confusing. So many people feel undereducated about…
Mar 07, 2019The Tween Parenting Dialectic: Tribeca Therapy In New York Magazine
Tweens' Frequent Switching Between Wanting Protection And Independence Doesn’t Make Them Crazy, It Makes Them Tweens. In our therapy with both tweens and their parents, parents often talk to us about tweens and young teens being labile, meaning they can switch quite quickly between wanting closeness, intimacy and protection, while also wanting freedom and independence. New York Magazine recently…
Jan 10, 20198 Emotional Survival Tips For A College Freshman From An NYC Therapist
Freshman Year: It’s One Of The Biggest Emotional Transitions You Can Make. When working with college students in my NYC therapy practice, freshman year is one of the biggest transitions one can make. While a ton of time is spent gearing up for college in late high school, we often forget just how hard the move to freshman year hits emotionally. There is frequently pressure to be happy and enjoy…
Sep 13, 2018Sharing Our New Teen Therapy-Related Reading
Teen Therapy Can Address A Whole Host Of Topics: Read More On Our Teen Therapy Pages. Working with teens in our Downtown therapy practice, we often see how teens’ experiences and feelings can be brushed off as merely a part of moody and angst-ridden adolescence by parents and other adults. As not only therapists treating teens, but also adults in these teens’ lives, we know that there is a danger…
May 31, 2018Al Hoberman Featured In A Video On How "Music Therapy Helps Children Out Of Homelessness"
Sometimes our therapists are recognized for the cool and meaningful things they accomplish outside our NYC therapy practice and we are excited to share. Recently, Tribeca Therapy welcomed a new therapist–Al Hoberman–to the practice. With a Master’s degree from NYU in Music Therapy, Al joins our team with diverse experience as a psychotherapist, including traditional talk therapy and CBT, as well…
Apr 26, 2018There Is A Danger In Not Taking Teens Seriously–Especially When It Comes To Gun Control
We Need To Take Teens Seriously About Guns. On a recent Wednesday morning, I happened to have a break when I heard chanting outside the window of my NYC therapy practice. The noises were not that unusual given that my Tribeca office is just a block away from City Hall, a frequent site of protests. It didn’t take me long to remember when I saw teenagers marching with signs that read “Never Again!”…
Apr 12, 2018Beyond “The Right” Decision: Helping Teens Become Decision Makers
Parents, Therapists And Other Adults Need To Help Teens Be Decision Makers. As a therapist who works with teens, I know teens have to face tons and tons of decisions all the time. The reality of being a teenager is there are certain adult decisions that have to be made for you. You can’t, for example, sell drugs, drive drunk, move out or spend money you don’t have. Most of these limits are…
Jan 18, 2018New Year's Resolution For Parents: Get Closer To Your Teen (How Family Therapy Can Help)
Parents, Your Teenager Needs You To Get Closer: Family Therapy Can Help. As an NYC family therapist, I’ve seen firsthand how hard it can be for teens to help their parents learn how to get closer and be there for them. For parents of teens, the New Year can be a good opportunity to check in with your relationship with your adolescent child. Does your relationship with your teen need more…
Dec 21, 2017Want To Make A Difference With Teens, In Or Out Of Therapy? Focus On Influence
Having Influence With Teens Is Essential Both In Therapy And Out. Being close with teens is important, but it’s not the magic sauce. Or perhaps it’s best to say, there’s magic sauce in being close in that it can allow for influence. Influence is where it’s at for any relationship. For therapists, parents and anyone who cares about a teen, the primary question is: how can we influence teens to…
Sep 14, 2017Parenting A Teen With Panic Attacks
Getting Close Is The Key To Parenting Teens With Panic Attacks. Working with both teens and parents of teens as an NYC therapist, I often see parents feel lost when their teen suffers from panic attacks. Not only are parents unsure of how to deal with panic attacks, but they can also struggle with understanding what causes them–a build-up of overwhelming anxiety. Panic attacks are a physical…
Sep 07, 201713 Ways "13 Reasons Why" Expands The Conversation On Teens And Mental Health
"13 Reasons Why" Can Be A Jumping-Off Point To Discuss Real Issues Facing Teens. [caption id="attachment_4838" align="alignleft" width="300"] (Courtesy Netflix)[/caption]As an NYC therapist who works with teens, I couldn’t ignore the polarized response to the depiction of teens, mental health and suicide in Netflix’s show 13 Reasons Why. The show centers around high school junior Hannah Baker who…
Aug 14, 201713 Ways "13 Reasons Why" Expands The Conversation On Teens And Mental Health: 13. Teen Mental Health Is More Than Just Being Hormonal
[caption id="attachment_4838" align="alignleft" width="300"] (Courtesy Netflix)[/caption]It's the final day (with the full round-up tomorrow) of the 13 ways the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why expands the conversation about teens and mental health:13. Teen Mental Health Is More Than Just Being Hormonal. Often with teens, we want their mental health to be hormonal because that means it’s just a…
Aug 13, 2017Browse all Tribeca Therapy topics
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