Therapy For Cutting: How To Talk With Your Teen And Help Them Talk About What They Are Feeling
Often when parents seek therapy for teens who are struggling with depression or anxiety, they are also looking for therapy for cutting. Cutting is when someone is takes an object such as a knife (dull or sharp), scissors, a paper clip or another sharp object and cuts themselves with it to create a painful but releasing sensation. Cutting falls into the category of self-harm behaviors, which also…
Feb 09, 2017Your Kid is Just Not That Into You: Rebellion and Teens
As a parent, does it ever seem like your teen is sick of you, not that interested in what you have to say and avoids you? Well, you're right. Your teen is just not that into you.Just like the 2005 book He’s Not That Into You, if it feels like your adolescent wants space from you, that is probably right. An adolescent looking for space and rebelling from their parents is a longstanding cliche.…
Feb 02, 2017Bone-Chilling Loneliness In Teens
Why Bone Chilling Loneliness?. Bone-chilling loneliness is a phrase I’ve been thinking about recently in my NYC therapy practice as a way to categorize depression. I prefer the phrase because it gets to the heart of the lows that someone with depression feels. The term and diagnosis depression are so prevalent in both psychotherapy and popular culture that we’re almost not fazed anymore.In many…
Nov 29, 2016The Less Traveled Path: Taking a Break from College
In my NYC therapy practice, I work with many teens and families of teens who have decided to take a break from college. This can be a difficult decision and it is hard to know when it is time to muscle through the semester and when might be the time to press the pause button. There are some quick, short-term things that can help a student feel more stable, but sometimes a break is what is needed…
Nov 22, 2016DIY Development: Helping Teens Work Through Normal Anxiety
Anxiety is a normal part of teen development that I see in my NYC therapy practice. Between college admission, SAT/ACT prep, stressors of social dynamics in and outside of high school, the first semesters of college and just being a teen, is it any wonder teens are anxious? This is all normal anxiety and this means you can take it on in a mostly self-constructed way. Do-It-Yourself (DIY)…
Nov 15, 2016Setting Teens Up To Thrive During Their College Experience
In my NYC therapy practice, I come across a lot of teens, young adults, and their families who feel really stuck around college. From choosing a college to how to manage coursework once they get there, this time in a teenager's life is full of questions and potential lessons. But this is also a time, albeit challenging, that is full of opportunities for teens to learn some imperative lessons–both…
Aug 12, 2016A NYC Therapist on Talking to Teens (hint: skip the eye roll)
Advice for parents and adults on communication with teens from a NYC therapist. Parents, teachers and other adults often wonder how to talk to teens. As a therapist who’s worked with teens in New York City for over ten years, it’s impossible for me to resist starting my tips for communicating with teens with something of a rant–it’s an incredibly important issue to me. In my NYC therapy…
Aug 02, 2016Therapy with Teens: A Collective NYC Therapist Conversation on Adolescence
Following our last collective post on therapy for depression, we are continuing our ongoing series of conversations with a focus on therapy for teens. How do we–as a practice and as individual therapists–approach working with teens and what would we like parents to know? What is different about the experiences of NYC teens? And how can therapy create a safe space for teens? Matt: I think the five…
Jul 21, 2016How to Give Your Teen Safe Space
As Therapists Who Work With Teens, We've Learned a lot About Negotiating Safety. As a therapist who works with teens in NYC, I see how much parenting a teen is a tough job. Part of a teen's healthy development is rebelling and getting space from their nuclear family, which doesn't always feel great on the receiving end. One of the biggest challenges for a family during this time is finding a…
Jul 11, 2016Emotional Lessons: Teaching Children How to Be Well-Adjusted Adults
Supporting Your Child's Independence. As a parent, your biggest job is to help your children grow into well-adjusted adults. From the moment they learn how to self soothe as infants, you are passing on lessons, big and small, that encourage healthy autonomy.In Slate’s “The Value of a Mess”, writer Jessica Lahey clearly lays out some of these lessons and gives parents a gentle reminder regarding…
May 31, 2016Adult Coloring Books: An Intro to Art Therapy
In my NYC art therapy practice, I come across lots of adults who struggle with burn out and who would benefit from making more time for themselves in the day to day. Yet it can be hard to find something replenishing with packed schedules and limited resources. Enter adult coloring books!Coloring books are the perfect solution that you can pick up for three minutes or 30 minutes- they offer myriad…
May 03, 2016Browse all Tribeca Therapy topics
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