Young Adults

Person on computer.

How Parents Can Help Their College Student's Transitional Anxiety

Starting College Is A Social And Emotional Transition For Your Young Adult. When your young adult goes to college, parents are aware that the academic challenges will increase. But what we don’t often talk to our kids about–and what frankly can be hard to discuss–is that there is a big transition for young adults in college both socially and emotionally. Your college student has to navigate brand…

Child reading

Tribeca Therapy On The Best Books For Kids And Teens About Adolescence In New York Magazine

Parents of children and teens often struggle with finding the best books about adolescence. Of course, there isn’t any one perfect book, but there are a few that kids can keep in their library to refer to as needed. Culturally, we talk around topics like sex and puberty because it makes us uncomfortable as adults. This can only lead to children seeking information elsewhere, which can be…


8 Emotional Survival Tips For A College Freshman From An NYC Therapist

Freshman Year: It’s One Of The Biggest Emotional Transitions You Can Make. When working with college students in my NYC therapy practice, freshman year is one of the biggest transitions one can make. While a ton of time is spent gearing up for college in late high school, we often forget just how hard the move to freshman year hits emotionally. There is frequently pressure to be happy and enjoy…

Laura Dern in The Tale (Photo: Courtesy of Sundance)

Tribeca Therapy On Why Some Survivors Of Childhood Sexual Abuse Don’t Confront Their Abuse Until Adulthood In Refinery29

[caption id="attachment_5252" align="alignleft" width="250"] Laura Dern in The Tale (Photo: Courtesy of Sundance)[/caption]In our NYC therapy practice, we often see people who have survived childhood sexual abuse only confront this traumatic experience once they reach adulthood. There are many reasons a survivor may only come to terms with their abuse as adults, which is explored in a recent…

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There Is A Danger In Not Taking Teens Seriously–Especially When It Comes To Gun Control

We Need To Take Teens Seriously About Guns. On a recent Wednesday morning, I happened to have a break when I heard chanting outside the window of my NYC therapy practice. The noises were not that unusual given that my Tribeca office is just a block away from City Hall, a frequent site of protests. It didn’t take me long to remember when I saw teenagers marching with signs that read “Never Again!”…

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