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Katrina and 9/11 Memorials: The Use of Group Art Therapy for Collective Trauma

Memorials as Group Art Therapy. Just blocks from my NYC art therapy office stands the National September 11 Memorial and Museum. In the 13 years it took to complete the memorial, there has been a lot of debate and criticism regarding what was planned, how long it was taking to complete, and how costly it was. One such piece of concern is expressed here by the New York Times' Michael Kimmelman,…

street light

Group Shaming in the Internet Age: The 21st Century Bystander Effect

The Effect of Groups on Our Capacity to Help. I distinctly remember the first time I learned about social psychology--I was sitting in a large auditorium when my dry Psychology 101 professor clicked his slideshow to an image of NYC in the 60's. As I doodled in the margins of my notebook, my professor began to speak about Kitty Genovese, a woman who was brutally attacked and killed near her home…

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