
Woman talking.

Want to Spot a Narcissist? Find a Therapist “Warning You” About Them on Social Media

The Internet has discovered a scourge of narcissism: If only they could look in the mirror. If you ask the Internet, there is an ever-present threat of manipulative narcissism. So much so that therapists, coaches, and other influencers have taken to social media to warn their followers about how to spot a narcissist. However, the real “narcissism” is our inability to see complexity in everyone…

Mother and child reading a book.

Senior Therapist and Director of Tribeca Maternity Rachael Benjamin Featured in Two Articles in Verywell Mind

We’re excited to share that our Senior Therapist and Director of Tribeca Maternity Rachael Benjamin appears in two recent articles in Verywell Mind, addressing the challenges of motherhood during the pandemic and caregiving for both older parents and children.In “Why Mom’s Mental Health Is More Important Than Ever,” Rachael explores how the pandemic “increased stress about family care, childcare,…

Woman doing work.

Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist and Senior Therapist Kelly Scott Featured in Two Publications

We’re pleased to share that our Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist and Senior Therapist Kelly Scott are quoted in two recent articles, exploring our practice’s expertise in both financial family therapy and dating therapy.In “I Grew Up Living Paycheck to Paycheck: Here’s What It Taught Me About Finance,” Matt explains to Go Banking Rates how growing up in a family that’s financially…

Couple arguing.

Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist and Senior Therapist Kelly Scott Address Harmful Relationship Dynamics in Bustle

Tapping into our practice’s expertise in couples therapy, Bustle featured our Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist and Senior Therapist Kelly Scott’s observations about unhealthy relationship dynamics in two recent articles. In “How to Respond to a Partner Who’s ‘Stonewalling’ You,” Matt explains what stonewalling is, how it can impact relationships, and how to navigate the situation when…

Couple embracing.

How a Couple Can Define Their Relationship Together: Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist in Women's Health

Whether laying out the terms for thoughtful, transparent non-monogamy or choosing how to address each other such as partner or friend, having conversations about defining the relationship can be meaningful moments for couples. Sharing his expertise as a couples and relationship therapist, our Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist recently addressed how couples can open conversations about…

Couple embracing.

Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist and Senior Therapist Kelly Scott Quoted on Relationships in The Cut and Insider

As a practice known for its expertise in couples therapy, we’re lucky to regularly appear in publications relating to dating and relationships. Most recently, our Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist and Senior Therapist Kelly Scott were featured in several articles for The Cut and Insider.In The Cut’s “There’s No Escaping the 5 Love Languages,” Matt weighs in on the continuing popularity…

Tribeca Maternity Director and Tribeca Therapy Senior Therapist Rachael Benjamin Featured in VeryWell and Health

We’re excited to share that Tribeca Therapy Senior Therapist and Director of Tribeca Maternity Rachael Benjamin appears in several articles in VeryWell and Health, offering her expertise in pregnancy, postpartum, and early parenting.Most recently, VeryWell writer Lakeisha Fleming spoke to Rachael about the difficulties of big life transitions, whether becoming a parent, a kid heading to college,…

Family smiling.

Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist on Talking to Kids About Money Values and Holiday Spending in HerMoney

Most families spend money during the holidays well out of proportion with other times of the year. For many families, that’s a fine economic choice, but holiday presents can seem almost mystical to kids. How can parents teach kids about money values and spending, especially around Christmas and Hanukkah? Our Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist weighs in on talking to children about cost…

Couple facing away from each other.

Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist Quoted on Relationships in Prevention and INSIDER

We’re excited to share that our Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist is featured in two recent publications, addressing how to deal with rejection and what daydreaming about sex with an ex might mean emotionally.In Prevention’s “6 Tips for Dealing With Rejection, According to Experts,” Matt explains why rejection can sting so much, as well as offers advice on moving forward after…

Children drawing.

How Kids' Friendships Have Changed During The Pandemic: Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist in The Wall Street Journal

As Schools And Other Activities Resume In Person, Kids (And Their Parents) May See Differences In Their Friendships.  . With more and more school, sports, and other extracurricular programs for kids starting in person, children, as well as their parents, may realize that their friendships are not as close as before the pandemic. The Wall Street Journal spoke to our Founder and Clinical Director…

Dating app.

Senior Therapist Kelly Scott Quoted On Dating in Two INSIDER Articles

We’re excited to share that our Senior Therapist Kelly Scott is featured in two recent articles on dating in INSIDER, drawing on her experience as a couples and relationship therapist.In “Lizzo Says She Has ‘Ghosted People You Would Not Believe,’ and It’s Fine to Cut Someone off if You’re Not Interested,” which was also republished on Yahoo! News, INSIDER uses Lizzo’s assertion during a segment…

Support group.

Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist Addresses Grief Support Groups and Forgiveness After Infidelity in Health and

We’re excited to share that our Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist is featured in Health and, speaking, respectively, on how grief support groups can help after loss and how a relationship can recover after cheating.In “Are Grief Support Groups Helpful—and How Do You Find One? Here’s What Experts Say,” Matt talks with Health about the ways in which support groups differ from…

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