
"Me too."

Tribeca Therapy On How Survivors Of Sexual Abuse Can Navigate Family Relationships In Refinery29

As a therapy practice who works with sexual abuse survivors and families, Tribeca Therapy recently spoke with Refinery29’s Kasandra Brabaw about how survivors can navigate the complexities of family relationships after abuse. Using Woody Allen’s family as a starting point, Brabaw interviewed our director Matt about how it’s nearly impossible for family members to have a neutral stance on sexual…

Laura Dern in The Tale (Photo: Courtesy of Sundance)

Tribeca Therapy On Why Some Survivors Of Childhood Sexual Abuse Don’t Confront Their Abuse Until Adulthood In Refinery29

[caption id="attachment_5252" align="alignleft" width="250"] Laura Dern in The Tale (Photo: Courtesy of Sundance)[/caption]In our NYC therapy practice, we often see people who have survived childhood sexual abuse only confront this traumatic experience once they reach adulthood. There are many reasons a survivor may only come to terms with their abuse as adults, which is explored in a recent…

Child sitting with lightbulb above head.

Women Speaking Up About Sexual Assault In 2017 Will (Hopefully) Make A Better 2018

2017 Has Been Quite A Year For Women–Both In Therapy And Out. [caption id="attachment_5054" align="alignleft" width="300"] Portrait of child businessman in office. Success, creative and innovation business concept[/caption]Reflecting on the past year and thinking ahead to the new year, 2017 has been quite a year for our country in a number of ways, especially for women. As a therapist in NYC, I…

13 Reasons Why Netflix.

13 Ways "13 Reasons Why" Expands The Conversation On Teens And Mental Health

"13 Reasons Why" Can Be A Jumping-Off Point To Discuss Real Issues Facing Teens. [caption id="attachment_4838" align="alignleft" width="300"] (Courtesy Netflix)[/caption]As an NYC therapist who works with teens, I couldn’t ignore the polarized response to the depiction of teens, mental health and suicide in Netflix’s show 13 Reasons Why. The show centers around high school junior Hannah Baker who…

13 Reasons Why Netflix.

13 Ways "13 Reasons Why" Expands The Conversation On Teens And Mental Health: 13. Teen Mental Health Is More Than Just Being Hormonal

[caption id="attachment_4838" align="alignleft" width="300"] (Courtesy Netflix)[/caption]It's the final day (with the full round-up tomorrow) of the 13 ways the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why expands the conversation about teens and mental health:13. Teen Mental Health Is More Than Just Being Hormonal. Often with teens, we want their mental health to be hormonal because that means it’s just a…

13 Reasons Why Netflix.

13 Ways "13 Reasons Why" Expands The Conversation On Teens And Mental Health: 7. Drinking And Drugs

[caption id="attachment_4838" align="alignleft" width="300"] (Courtesy Netflix)[/caption]For the first 13 days in August (with a full round-up on August 14), I'll be highlighting the 13 ways I, as an NYC therapist who works with teens, think the Netflix drama series 13 Reasons Why expands the conversation on teens and mental health:7. Drinking And Drugs. Almost every episode features alcohol or…

13 Reasons Why Netflix.

13 Ways "13 Reasons Why" Expands The Conversation On Teens And Mental Health: 4. Bullying

[caption id="attachment_4838" align="alignleft" width="300"] (Courtesy Netflix)[/caption]Yesterday, I highlighted isolation as an issue facing teens that is examined by the Netflix drama series 13 Reasons Why. The fourth is another common experience I see teens deal with in my NYC therapy practice:4. Bullying. Bullying is talked about so much it has almost lost its meaning in overuse. Bullying,…

Multi-colored leaves.

Yes, People Do Change (Just Not Everyone): An NYC Therapist's Thoughts On Change

In Therapy, The Issue Of Change Is Both Complex And Essential. As a NYC therapist and a human who believes in growth, I can’t imagine an issue of more concern to me than change. My ideas about change can be broken down into a three-part thesis: People change. The world changes. People can change themselves and the world.On the one hand, these seem like simple and self-apparent statements, but the…

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