Breaking up can be challenging at any time, but when stuck in quarantine, socially distanced from support systems of friends, family, and other loved ones, it can be particularly difficult. In response, Shape Magazine called on Tribeca Therapy’s expertise as couples and relationship therapists to offer some strategies for coping with a breakup during the COVID-19 crisis.
In the article “How to Handle a Breakup During the Coronavirus Quarantine, According to Relationship Pros,” our Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist observes that going through a breakup right now is “absolutely so much harder.” He explains, “There are a lot of uncomfortable feelings being brought to the surface as a result of the pandemic, and if you add those emotions to those of a breakup, as well as not having your regular coping mechanisms to turn to, it can lead to a really tough time for most people."
One way that someone going through a breakup can cope is through reaching out to friends over the phone or video chat. While it’s not the same as going out with friends, it can be a worthwhile alternative. “Even if you haven't spoken to a friend in a while because you were wrapped up in the relationship, I've found that simply reaching out and explaining the situation works just fine,” Matt explains.
While in-person dating isn’t exactly an option either at the moment, Matt also suggests online dating whenever you may feel ready. Virtual dating can be a chance to meet new people and create a sense of normalcy even in quarantine. “A big part of getting over a breakup is simply getting back out there and getting excited about someone new,” Matt notes.
Perhaps most importantly, it’s essential to take the necessary time to process the breakup, which can help inform what you want in a new relationship. “Jumping into a new relationship right after a breakup is a lost opportunity,” Matt says. “Every relationship ends for a reason, and you need to give yourself the time to really process that breakup and see where things went wrong.”
Read more of “How to Handle a Breakup During the Coronavirus Quarantine, According to Relationship Pros” on Shape.