Hey Couples, Communication Isn't Your Problem!
Many Couples Seek Couples Therapy For Communication, But That’s Often Not The Problem. Well over fifty percent of new couples that come into my couples therapy practice insist they need help with communication. Couples can be really invested in their definition of “the problem,” and often spend a lot of energy in therapy trying to convince me to get onboard with what they think they need. While…
Apr 03, 2019Tribeca Therapy On How Couples Can Avoid Financial Secrets In HerMoney
In Financial Couples Therapy, Financial Secrets Can Threaten A Relationship. As we’ve previously noted on our NYC therapy blog, money is a common reason couples seek couples therapy. Finances are emotional, and can raise a whole host of questions and potential conflicts in a marriage or serious relationship. Each partner has their own values and experiences around money that they bring into their…
Mar 28, 2019Tribeca Therapy On Group Therapy In SELF Magazine
Is Group Therapy The Right Fit For Me?. Is group therapy right for me? How do I know if I should stick with individual therapy or join a group? These are questions that often come up around group therapy in our NYC therapy practice. Of course, we’re on record asserting that group therapy is incredibly helpful, and that even reluctant group therapy patients will sometimes find group therapy more…
Mar 21, 2019How Do Patients Benefit From Therapy With A Group Practice?: A Collective Conversation
Matt: A few years ago, we had a collective conversation about the benefits of working in a group therapy practice itself. Recently, I’ve continued to think about our group practice formulation and want to revisit the topic from a slightly different angle. What do you think are the benefits to our patients about the way our group practice is run? What is in our special group practice…
Mar 14, 2019Tribeca Therapy On Financial Stress During Tax Season In Yahoo Finance
Tax Season Can Really Turn Up The Stress. Both in our NYC financial therapy practice and out, tax season can really turn up the stress. People are overextended and tax time is one of those moments when we face that reality. It’s sort of an annual accounting of how poor our financial shape is in. In addition, taxes are mysterious and inherently confusing. So many people feel undereducated about…
Mar 07, 2019Celebrating Ten Years of Therapy in Tribeca
[caption id="attachment_5465" align="alignleft" width="300"] Stacks of boxes, printers and furniture in our old office on Broadway and Reade Street[/caption]This Friday marks the tenth anniversary of Tribeca Therapy. Celebrating and considering how our practice has grown since I first opened the private practice in 2009, I think of our first little office, borrowing money from my dad to buy…
Feb 28, 2019Tribeca Therapy On Dealing With Chronic Illness In The New York Times
Chronic Illness Isn’t Just Physical: It’s Also Emotional. Treating patients who are dealing with health-related issues in our NYC therapy practice, we understand that being diagnosed and living with chronic illness not only affects people physically, but also emotionally. We’re excited to have had the opportunity to talk about the many facets of chronic illness recently in The New York Times’…
Feb 21, 2019Tribeca Therapy On The Emotional Drive To Spend (Rather Than Save) In Money Magazine
Money Can Be The Way We We Act Out Our Wants Or Inadequacies. As we’ve explored previously on our blog, finances are emotional, including the impulse to spend rather than save when getting a big raise, a new job or a bonus. Money recently quoted Tribeca Therapy in an article “The Psychological Trap That Could Quietly Kill Your Retirement” on lifestyle inflation, a term for spending more rather…
Feb 14, 2019Tribeca Therapy On How To Deal With Stress And Anxiety When Traveling In Jetsetter
Traveling Can Be Anxiety-Producing, But There Are Endless Resources For Techniques That Can Help. While travel can often be exciting, we know, in our NYC therapy practice, that it can also be stressful and anxiety-producing, particularly during this time of year with weather-related delays, cancellations and extra long lines at TSA. Recently, Jetsetter spoke with Tribeca Therapy to get some tips…
Feb 07, 2019Your Therapy And The World Right Now Could Use More Not Knowing
The Humility Of Not Knowing Is Necessary Both In Therapy And In Culture At Large. Both in our NYC therapy practice and in our culture more generally, there is a powerful need for the humility of not knowing. Not knowing can be humbling, and also opens up the possibility for getting help from the outside and reexamining foundational principles. Even smart, caring and capable people sometimes just…
Jan 31, 2019Tribeca Therapy On Talking To Parents About Unhealthy Habits In Well+Good
Sometimes, in our NYC therapy practice, patients wonder how to best talk to their parents about unhealthy habits, particularly after the holidays when families have spent a lot of time together and observed each other’s lifestyles. However, it can be intimidating to approach parents with concerns without feeling either disrespectful or as if you crossed a line as their kid. Well+Good recently…
Jan 24, 2019The Power Of Being Done
There’s Strength In The Idea Of Being Over It. Recently, in my NYC therapy practice, I’ve been thinking about the power in being finished or done. There’s strength in the idea of being over it, whether being over a crappy job, a parent’s narcissism, a so-so relationship or just, this president. After the election, there were buttons sold that just read, “No.”In general, we tend to put up with…
Jan 17, 2019Browse all Tribeca Therapy topics
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