Tribeca Therapy Staff Therapist and Art Therapist to host Pop-Up Coloring Bar at Strand Books, Thursday, July 21st from 6-9 pm
July 14, 2016
Tired? Stressed? Need some relaxation time? Come join our NYC art therapist Heather Kiely on Thursday, July 21st from 6-9 pm at Strand Books in Downtown Manhattan. Heather, along with other local art therapists, will be hosting a pop-up coloring bar where you can kick back, relax, and enjoy working on pages with beautiful designs.
Back in May Heather wrote about the coloring books and how they've been gaining momentum, for good reason. They are an easy way to care for yourself and a great way to get back in touch with your (perhaps dormant) creative side. The art therapists will be there to answer questions about art therapy as an option for emotional growth.