Shopping for criticism
June 01, 2010
The world will always be able to present you with an endless supply of people who will tell you there's something wrong with you. If you're looking for it, any old stroll down a Manhattan sidewalk will leave you liable to bump into any number of people who'll gladly offer their critique: You're walking too slow, You're walking to fast, You're dressed the wrong way. Throw in a bit of online dating, maybe a job interview, or perhaps a trip home to visit the folks (for far too many), and, if you're shopping for criticism, you'll find it.
Or you could choose to visit a different store. You could surround yourself with people who hold you in high regard, who offer their critiques thoughtfully, and with consideration of timing. Not just people who tell you you're fantastic no matter what, but those whose opinions you've come to trust.
Having a hard time finding those people? Maybe you need to shop a different mall (or better yet--maybe you need to get out of malls altogether).