Things to do instead of cutting yourself

March 16, 2012

You can...

...make a list of everything you want in your life and email it to someone who cares about you. one of the many mental health hotline. In NYC you can call 1-800-LIFENET 24 hours a day and get good help over the phone and/ or a quick referral to a therapist you can afford.

...plan a trip.

...make a Popsicle-stick boat.

...cover yourself with body paint.

...go on Psychology Today's "find a therapist" website and email every therapist in your area who looks good and ask them for a free phone consultation. my blog. my blog again. the domain name and start your own blog (I checked. It's available.) info on soup kitchens in your area and make plans to volunteer. everyone in your cell phone's "favorites" list until someone picks up. a note expressing gratitude on the wall of everyone of your friends on Facebook.





...get help to live the life you want. If the help doesn't help, fight for better help. If it's still not helping, fight some more.