Hit the roof
July 23, 2015
We started in my therapy office then changed scenes to the office rooftop. There was a lot of anxiety. She was disassociating from her body, meaning having trouble being in our space, present in her body and present with me. So we went for a walk.
Many of my patients have a hard time being in their bodies, due to past traumatic events or habits of living small, carrying pain and anxiety in their bodies, they often check out but through our work they are realizing checking out isn't working. In a demanding job, in a city like New York, it puts them in more harm than good. So I’m active in helping them find ways to practice "act out" a new experience with their bodies.
From our rooftop perch we watched people walk along Reade Street. We walked and talked and stopped and notice people walking. She walks small--hunched over, like she's apologizing. We observed. We talked. We did research.
Some were walking like her--caved in, small, crouching towards their cell phones. Others were inspiration: A mother walking with her baby looked determined. A construction worker getting out of his truck looked strong like he didn’t care who saw him or what they thought. We zoned in on a professional looking woman who came outside from the nail salon and she was smoking, talking on a phone but she had a "don't-mess-with-me" stance. She was our muse.
We walked. We talked.
We practiced this walk over and over until time was up and she walked out, tall.