Quid pro quo
"From the Latin," says Wikipedia, meaning "something for something."It's implicit in just about every conversation I have with my therapy patients about fairness. It's the idea that when we do something for someone, we should expect them to do something of roughly equal value in return. We feel taken advantage of if we give something and don't feel it's reciprocated.The balance sheet approach.…
May 10, 2010What's your status?
Several weeks ago one of my therapy groups got to talking about being friendly and open to building relationships and getting closer to the people in our lives. It turned out that what caused hesitation in reaching out to others, letting friends and family know you care (or that you'd like to spend time together) is a fear that the request won't be reciprocated.Here are some examples:The woman at…
May 07, 2010Browse all Tribeca Therapy topics
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