
Parent and adult child.

How Parents and Adult Children Can Live Together (Without Killing Each Other): Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist in Giddy

Due to the pandemic and resulting economic challenges, many adult children have moved back in with their parents. Despite—or in some cases, because of—these familial ties, this living situation isn’t always simple to navigate for the parent or the adult child. Our Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist explores how parents and adult children can create a healthy adult-to-adult relationship…

Parent holding child.

Senior Therapists Rachael Benjamin and Kelly Scott Quoted in Verywell Family and The Ringer

From parenting to relationships, our therapists’ expertise has been sought out by numerous publications. Senior Therapist and Director of Tribeca Maternity Rachael Benjamin and Senior Therapist Kelly Scott were recently featured in Verywell Family and The Ringer, reflecting on, respectively, how the pandemic affected moms’ mental health and the post-breakup revenge fantasy at the center of the…

siblings talking.

How Can Adult Siblings Deal With Jealousy in Their Relationship?: Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist in VICE

Jealousy frequently comes up in our family therapy with adult siblings, even though jealousy is often more discussed in regards to kids and adolescents. Offering insights into jealousy between adult siblings, our Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist spoke to VICE about how siblings can discuss and potentially diffuse this tension in their relationship.In “What to Do if a Sibling’s…


Parenting After Quarantine: Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist on WNYC's All Of It with Alison Stewart

Providing therapy to parents, kids, and families through the pandemic, we’ve witnessed the multitude of challenges that both parents and kids have faced from lockdown to reopening. Our Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist returned to WNYC’s All Of It with Alison Stewart to address how parents can navigate kids’ behavioral challenges as the world reopens and reengage with resources they…

Shadow of child.

Pressure in Stepfamilies Is Tough On Kids and Parents: Senior Therapist Kelly Scott in INSIDER

All relationships are complicated, and step-relationships even more so. In particular, there can be so much pressure on step-relationships, especially between children and parents. Using my experience practicing family therapy with stepfamilies, I recently addressed the complexity of stepfamily relationships by answering a reader’s question for INSIDER from a stepmother whose adult stepson is…


Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist in The Cut on Concerns About Adult Siblings Financially Taking Advantage of Parents

In our financial family therapy with adult families, we frequently see conflict centered around an adult sibling or siblings who feel their parents are being taken advantage of financially by their other siblings. Because of our experience, our Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist recently helped answer a question in The Cut from a reader concerned that her two older siblings that still…

People walking.

Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist in The Washington Post on Preparing for Post-Quarantine Multigenerational Family Vacations

As more pandemic restrictions are lifted and family members are able to see each other after quarantine, many extended families have decided to take a multigenerational vacation this summer. Multigenerational vacations can be exciting, but as we see in our family therapy practice, they can also be an opportunity for longstanding resentments to reappear. Our Founder and Clinical Director Matt…

Couple holding hands.

Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist Quoted on Relationships in Brides and The Cut

With our expertise providing both couples therapy and family therapy with adult siblings, our Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist was recently featured in Brides and The Cut on navigating, respectively, romantic and familial relationships. In Brides’ “Do Relationships With Big Age Gaps Actually Work?: We Asked the Experts,” Matt speaks to writer Gabrielle Savoie about how relationships…


What the Culture Is Missing in Maternity Care and Why We're Doing It Differently: A Conversation Between Tribeca Maternity Director Rachael Benjamin and Therapist Emily Stuart

Last year, we launched the new branch of our practice Tribeca Maternity with Senior Therapist Rachael Benjamin as Director. Rachael is a specialist and a leader in the field of maternity and women’s health and through her work, she has witnessed the help women, their partners, and their families typically receive. Her observations on the need for specialized therapeutic attention during maternity…


How Can Big Life Transitions Affect Adult Sibling Relationships?: A Conversation With Two NYC Family Therapists

Moving, a new job, marriage, having a new baby. These significant life transitions not only impact the individuals moving, landing that new job, getting married, or that are expecting, but also their siblings in ways that often go overlooked. Reflecting on their experiences practicing family therapy with adult siblings, Senior Therapists Rachael Benjamin and Kelly Scott discussed how big…

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