What Should Parents Do After Leaving The NICU: A Postpartum Toolkit
A helpful toolkit for NICU parents. In my last post, I encouraged parents dealing with postpartum NICU trauma to share their stories with each other, friends, family or a therapist. Thinking further about the NICU experience and talking with parents, I realized when you have a child or children in the NICU you are simply surviving. NICU parents are in limbo between the NICU, home and even, your…
Jul 19, 2016Don’t Be Afraid To Call Your Response To The Orlando Shootings Trauma
Is witnessing the news of the attacks in Orlando a form of trauma?. The morning of June 12, many of us woke up to the traumatic news of the horrific attacks at Pulse nightclub in Orlando that left 49 LGBT-identified people dead and injured over 50 more. Like many, I watched Anderson Cooper cry while reading the names of these young people who lost their lives. I also watched interviews with the…
Jul 14, 2016Tribeca Therapy Staff Therapist and Art Therapist to host Pop-Up Coloring Bar at Strand Books, Thursday, July 21st from 6-9 pm
Tired? Stressed? Need some relaxation time? Come join our NYC art therapist Heather Kiely on Thursday, July 21st from 6-9 pm at Strand Books in Downtown Manhattan. Heather, along with other local art therapists, will be hosting a pop-up coloring bar where you can kick back, relax, and enjoy working on pages with beautiful designs. Back in May Heather wrote about the coloring books and how they've…
Jul 14, 2016How to Give Your Teen Safe Space
As Therapists Who Work With Teens, We've Learned a lot About Negotiating Safety. As a therapist who works with teens in NYC, I see how much parenting a teen is a tough job. Part of a teen's healthy development is rebelling and getting space from their nuclear family, which doesn't always feel great on the receiving end. One of the biggest challenges for a family during this time is finding a…
Jul 11, 2016Therapy for depression: A collective therapist conversation on the limits of words
We’ve been continuing our series of conversations, this one exploring the construction of depression: the ways those seeking therapy talk about their experiences, the many meanings of the word and the ways that depression is so often insufficient as a term to capture these experiences.Matt: It's probably the case that therapy for depression is the single most common reason a prospective therapy…
Jul 05, 2016No One Talks About The NICU Postpartum Trauma
Sharing Your Stories About The Trauma of NICU Postpartum. No one imagines the postpartum trauma of visiting your baby in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). No one imagines coming home without a baby. You imagine recovering in the hospital room with your newborn. You imagine bringing them home and fostering them into this new world, not waiting for a cab with baby stuff while preparing to…
Jun 28, 2016Emotional Lessons: Teaching Children How to Be Well-Adjusted Adults
Supporting Your Child's Independence. As a parent, your biggest job is to help your children grow into well-adjusted adults. From the moment they learn how to self soothe as infants, you are passing on lessons, big and small, that encourage healthy autonomy.In Slate’s “The Value of a Mess”, writer Jessica Lahey clearly lays out some of these lessons and gives parents a gentle reminder regarding…
May 31, 2016A hierarchy of pain? NYC Therapists Discuss
This is the second in a series of conversations completed by our NYC therapists. The conversation, discussing the tendency in psychotherapy towards establishing a hierarchy of pain and suffering, was completed over a series of days.Matt: While I'm not sure the five of us have ever talked about this explicitly, I'm certain you all encounter something as therapists that I do frequently in my…
May 24, 2016Trauma and Object Photography: Keeping News Reporting Human
Images of Trauma in News Media. As an art therapist in NYC, I always take note of the images that are used in the mainstream media. It peaks my curiosity to reflect on what is being articulated beyond just the words in the article.In the past months, the world has watched in horror as Syrians have poured into neighboring countries looking for safety. Images of refugees in alien lands seek to…
May 17, 2016Group Practice: A nonstandard approach in NYC therapy
Group Practice: A nonstandard approach in NYC therapy. This is the first in what will be a series of conversations completed by our NYC therapists. The conversation, discussing our therapists' views on the significance of working in a group practice, was completed over a series of days.Matt: We practice therapy as part of a group practice. We collaborate in our clinical work, share a strong point…
May 10, 2016Adult Coloring Books: An Intro to Art Therapy
In my NYC art therapy practice, I come across lots of adults who struggle with burn out and who would benefit from making more time for themselves in the day to day. Yet it can be hard to find something replenishing with packed schedules and limited resources. Enter adult coloring books!Coloring books are the perfect solution that you can pick up for three minutes or 30 minutes- they offer myriad…
May 03, 2016How to survive a crisis: Lessons from PTSD and Trauma Therapy
Trauma therapists--therapists in NYC and elsewhere who treat PTSD--become experts in crisis. How we confront crises that don't constitute trauma, per se--those that wouldn't likely lead to a life experience that we might want to classify as PTSD--can be informed by the knowledge trauma therapists have gained from this work. For those therapists who were practicing therapy in NYC on and after…
Apr 26, 2016Browse all Tribeca Therapy topics
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