13 Ways "13 Reasons Why" Expands The Conversation On Teens And Mental Health: 9. Parents, Check Your Shit To Take Care Of Your Teen
August 09, 2017
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Yesterday, I highlighted distant parents and family as an important theme in the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why. As an NYC therapist who works with teens, the ninth way I see how the show expands on the conversation about teens and mental health is closely related:
9. Parents, Check Your Shit To Take Care Of Your Teen
Similarly, Hannah’s parents are so worried about their struggling drug store business that they don’t slow down to see her suffering. Dealing with their own crisis, they needed her to be “ok,” but she was far from it. The show does a good job of showing how when things get scary or concerning with a teen, it’s time for parents and other family to check your shit, meaning reflect on how you have been present (or not), what distracts you, and if you can take time for your teens. Talk with your partner, friend, brother, sister, therapist–anyone but your kid–about your personal and professional stuff. Making the time and space to just let your teens talk is taking care of them.