3 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Wait to Seek Therapy Postpartum
New moms and dads often seek therapy only once they’re in crisis: It doesn’t have to be that way . New moms and dads tend to show up to my office in crisis when they are overwhelmed with depression, anxiety, or trauma responses and/or are at an impossible juncture in their relationship. They feel hopeless and trapped while in the throes of new baby responsibility. So many say to me, “Gosh, I wish…
Mar 01, 2024Make a Mess of Your Therapy—and Your Life
Making messes is vital to learning and growing as a child: So too for adults in therapy . In the context of therapy, a mess is not a problem to be fixed or avoided. Instead, messes in therapy can be incredibly fruitful for self-exploration and growth, allowing you to delve into parts of your history, relationships, and feelings that are difficult, complicated, and contradictory. In fact, you…
Feb 23, 2024Do I need a therapist who shares my identity?
a therapist with a matching identity isn’t necessarily the only option for a good fit. As a therapist, I often find myself curiousabout the concept of seeking out a “good fit” in a therapist. Of course, certain factors feel less malleable like who takes your insurance or where an office is located. But what about other aspects you specifically look for in a therapist you feel must be the best fit…
Feb 20, 2024Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist Interviewed on Relationships in Salon and New York Family
A lot of events can alter the sexual connection and intimacy in a relationship, from financial concerns to the lasting effects of the pandemic to the sudden busyness of having kids. Drawing on his expertise in couples therapy, Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist recently appeared in Salon and New York Family to speak on how the chemistry between partners can be influenced by a variety of…
Feb 16, 2024Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist Addresses Why We Catastrophize in Vox
If something hurts, you are inclined to avoid it. This is as true for physical pain as it is for emotional pain. When you are overwhelmed, you develop strategies to avoid feeling this. Catastrophizing, or assuming the worst-case scenario, is one of these attempts at avoidance. Our Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist joins a group of experts on Vox to discuss what’s behind the impulse to…
Feb 14, 2024Maybe It’s Not Seasonal Depression, Maybe It’s a Season
Moods can change with the seasons—often quite dramatically—but these changes also have meaning. Winter in New York City is not fun for anyone. You bundle up and hunker down. The sun flees behind a layer of clouds, confined to only eight hours in the sky—the same eight hours you might be at your office or otherwise too busy to enjoy the winter’s limited sunlight. During this time of year, some…
Feb 13, 2024Senior Therapist and Director of Tribeca Maternity Rachael Benjamin Featured in Buzzfeed on Ways to Support (And Be Supported By) Friends
During periods of pain and suffering, individuals often need more from friends than they allow themselves to recognize or let others know. Being honest about how you’re doing or feeling and asking for help and community can be powerful, particularly in relationships like friendships. Our Senior Therapist and Director of Tribeca Maternity Rachael Benjamin recently spoke to Buzzfeed about ways to…
Feb 12, 2024What to Do When We or Our Friendships Are Faltering: Look at Our Values
As your values shift, you may hit an impasse in some friendships . As I wrote in my previous post on friendship and values, friendship is best when your values are aligned. When your values are out of alignment with a friend’s, you frequently have to pretend to be someone you’re not or are no longer in order to “fit in.” This can feel lonely as you have to work harder to be accepted in a way that…
Feb 05, 2024Values Are an Important Part of Friendship
Though outgrowing friends is a struggle, the best friends match your growing self and value system. Many individuals that I see in my therapy practice struggle with outgrowing a friendship. What I’ve found is that outgrowing friendship often relates to a misalignment of values. When you grow, you come to know yourself more and more and your values change. There are many times in your life in…
Feb 02, 2024Founder and Clinical Director Matt Lundquist Addresses Social Media Content on Toxic Relationships in Buzzfeed
As is often talked about of late, social media is designed to be highly consumable, engaging, and hard to put away. People, particularly those who struggle with obsessive or compulsive behavior, can get hooked on certain types of social media content in a way that is not helpful or healthy. An especially addictive topic that currently is grabbing the attention of users is toxic relationships,…
Jan 29, 2024Trusting Your Gut in the Age of “Gut Health Transformation”
Before you can trust your gut, you have to consider what your gut is trying to tell you. We’ve fallen in love with the idea of being able to trust our guts, wanting to rely on ourselves to move toward the “right” thing intuitively. The mantra of “trust your gut”—to act upon a feeling with courage, trusting that the existence of the feeling itself is enough to act upon in a forceful confident…
Jan 16, 2024Making New Friends as an Adult Takes Intentionality and Vulnerability
While it may seem less accessible to make friends as an adult, all friendships must be built. There are days in my therapy practice when it seems like all I do is talk to patients about being lonely and wanting new friends. Friends can seem to be everywhere and hard to find at the same time. People assume that everyone else has the right friends and they’re the only ones who feel isolated. This…
Jan 11, 2024Browse all Tribeca Therapy topics
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