

On ease and happiness: What history can teach us about therapy and depression

On Christmas morning I happened to catch CNN's Fareed Zakaria interviewing historian David McCullough, loosely on the topic of a McCullough's new book about the wave of 19th Century American emigrants to Paris and more broadly on the topic of what we can, at our present moment, learn from history. I was not expecting a lesson on depression and therapy, but I found one.This of McCullough's remarks…


Optimism v. pessimism? Bo-ring! The real question is, are you an activist or a passivist?

 Every now and then I get accused of something truly awful: Being an optimist.I object (strenuously) not because the real story is that I'm a pessimist (I'm not) but because the very premise of a categorization of optimist versus pessimist is grounded in passivity.The assumption in the very asking of the question is meant to inquire as to whether or not, generally speaking, you believe your life…

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